3.2 Implementation on FPGAs and reconfigurable arrays


Numerical methods implementation and software development in multicore platforms


This action's aim is to study the scientific computing software packages, which will be developed in actions 2.x. The main goal is to estimate the software's adequacy and efficiency in each one of the multicore platforms that will be  used. Based on the study and various comparisons, each software (or parts of it) will be applied in proper multicore systems.

Due to the volatile technological state in this scientific area, the Research Team that is responsible of the action, will obtain the latest material and technical infrastructure available, funded by the Research program.




    • Technical report of the results.
    • Publication of 2 scientific articles in international scientific journals or/and conference proceedings.
    • Software for multicore platforms. Bitstreams for the FPGAs programming and host-client communication software.



    The University of Thessaly Research Team is the main work group that will carry out the greater part of the action, will author and publish the results and edit a technical report with the description of the scientific activities that took place during the action and the research results that emerged.